News archive

"Photovoltaic Smart Grids in the prosumers investment decisions: a real option model"

The digitization of power system represents one of the main instruments to achieve affordable energy transition. During the last years, such innovation process has been associated with the Smart Grid (SG). Marta Castellini (Università degli Studi di Brescia), Francesco Menoncin (Università degli


"Pricing reliability options under different electricity price regimes".
Published on Energy Economics

Reliability Options are capacity remuneration mechanisms aimed at enhancing security of supply in electricity systems. They can be framed as call options on electricity sold by power producers to System Operators. This paper, written by prof. Fulvio Fontini and his co-authors, provides a comprehensive mathematical treatment of Reliability Options.


'Too Unsafe to Monitor? How Board–CEO Cognitive Conflict and Chair Leadership Shape Outside Director Monitoring'.
Published on the Academy of Management Journal

Corporate Governance regulation and practice highlight the role played by outside directors and independent Chairs in monitoring the CEO and the Top Management Team in listed corporations. In a recent study 'Too Unsafe to Monitor? How Board–CEO Cognitive Conflict and Chair Leadership Shape Outside


Tutoring: Statistics

Dal 21.09.2022 al 26.10.2022

This course aims at introducing the basic concepts of applied statistics including probability, common distributions, descriptive statistics, statistical inference, and data analysis.This course is designed for our Master's degree students in Entrepreneurship and Innovation at the Department of


2020 ASSET Virtual Meeting
