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Coronavirus: misure precauzionali in vigore

Aggiornamento del 5 maggio 2020, ore 12.00Il Dipartimento di Scienze Economiche e Aziendali “Marco Fanno” ha perseguito in queste ultime settimane una linea di comportamento molto prudenziale rispetto alla tutela della salute del personale e di studentesse e studenti. Intendiamo perseguire tale


"Who Benefits from Privileged Peers? Evidence from Siblings in Schools"

In this study, published in the Journal of Applied Econometrics, Marco Bertoni and Giorgio Brunello from the Department of Economics and Management "Marco Fanno" and Lorenzo Cappellari from the Catholic University of Milan compare siblings attending the same school at different points of time and


"Collusion sustainability with a capacity-constrained firm"

How does the stability of full and partial cartels depend on the capacity constraint of a small firm (or a fringe of small firms)? In their recent publication in "Oxford Economic Papers", Leonardo Madio, (Department of Economics and Management, University of Padua) and Aldo Pignataro (Italian


"Disability insurance and the effects of return-to-work policies"

The rules governing disability insurance programs have changed considerably in the recent decades in most OECD countries with a remarkable shift towards policies aimed at re-integrating people experiencing a disability insurance episode into the labor market.In her recent publication in the Review


"Inward FDI and the quality of domestic institutions: A cross-country panel VAR analysis"

Domestic institutions are recognized as important factors in attracting foreign direct investment (FDI) and stimulating economic development in host countries. However, there is growing evidence that FDI may in turn affect and shape domestic institutions, and it is generally difficult to disentangle
