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Sciopero venerdì 2 dicembre 2022

E' stato proclamato dalle OO.SS. ADL VARESE, CIB-UNICOBAS, COBAS SARDEGNA, CONFEDERAZIONE COBAS, CUB, SGB, SICOBAS, USB, USI-CIT e USI lo sciopero generale di tutti i Settori Pubblici e Privati per l’intera giornata di venerdì 2 dicembre 2022.Le motivazioni dello sciopero sono rinvenibili nella


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"Privacy Regulation and Quality-Enhancing Innovation"

Recent data protection policies, such as the EU GDPR, California CCPA, and Brazilian LGPD, require firms to secure user consent for data collection. The EU Digital Markets Act (DMA) also imposes stringent obligations on "gatekeeping firms." This paper, published in the Journal of Industrial


"Firms’ Borrowing Costs and Neighbors’ Flood Risk"

Published in Small Business Economics Authors:Thomas Bassetti | DSEA University of PaduaLorenzo Dal Maso | University of BolognaValentina Pieroni | IMT School for Advanced Studies Lucca  This study examines whether Italian firms exposed to climate risks face higher borrowing costs due to spatial


"Employee training and bank stability"

Published in the Journal of International Financial Management and AccountingAuthors:Antonio D'Amato, University of SalernoMatteo Cotugno, Catholic University of the Sacred HeartSalvatore Perdichizzi, Department of Economics and Management, University of PaduaValeria Stefanelli, University of
