News archive

"Director tenure and contribution to board task performance: A time and contingency perspective"

Director tenure is a topic of great interest in the corporate governance debate. Despite the burgeoning interest, there is lack of consensus on the mechanisms shaping directors' contributions over time. Natalie Elms from Queensland University of Technology and Amedeo Pugliese from the Department of


"Multinational subsidiaries and green innovation"

In a recent publication, our Valentina De Marchi, Giulio Cainelli, and Roberto Grandinetti analyze whether multinational subsidiaries are more likely than domestic firms to green innovate. Using a survey covering 14 European countries, their results suggest that subsidiaries have an advantage of


"Anti-mafia police actions, criminal firms, and peer firm tax avoidance"

Mafia firms introduce distortions in the markets in which they operate, increasing the cost of doing business for peer firms. Using a sample of Italian anti-Mafia police actions that resulted in the removal of Mafia firms, the authors find that peers reduce their tax avoidance following these anti


Call for expressions of interest for a two-year research grant


"Uncertainty and Monetary policy during the Great Recession"

In this paper the authors, Giovanni Pellegrino, Efrem Castelnuovo and Giovanni Caggiano from the Department of Economics and Management of the University of Padova document the large response of real activity to a financial uncertainty shock during and in the aftermath of the great recession. They
