Round Table: Representative vs Direct Democracy
Padova - Room 45, via Bassi 1
Mercoledì 6 febbraio, 2019 - h 15.00
Tavola Rotonda dal titolo 'Representative vs Direct Democracy: from an economic perspective' rivolta, in particolare agli studenti iscritti al terzo anno del Corso di Laurea Triennale TrEC, ma è aperto a tutti gli studenti del dSEA.
I discussant della Tavola Rotonda saranno: Dolors Berga Colom, University of Girona e Bernardo Moreno Jiménez, University of Malaga.
Modera il prof. Antonio Nicolò, dSEA Università di Padova.
Per partecipare all'incontro è necessario registrarsi su:
Dolors Berga Colom is professor at the University of Girona. Dolors She got her PhD degree at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Her research is in social choice and mechanism design.She is interested in agents' strategic behavior in public goods provision problems, voting, matching problems and mechanism design. She has also worked in environmental economics. Her research has been published in journals like American Economic Review, Games an Economic Behavior, Journal of Economic Theory, Mathematical Social Sciences, Social Choice and Welfare and International Journal of Game Theory.
Bernardo Moreno Jiménez is professor of Economic Theory at the University of Malaga. He has been visiting professor at several universities in US (the University of Rochester, Tucson, Northwestern) and in Euroep (UAB Leicester, and Namur) His research focus on theoretical modeling of collective decisions, mechanism theory and game theory. He has published in journals like American Economic Review, Journal of Economic Theory, Games and Economic Behavior, Social Choice and Welfare, International Journal of Game Theory, Economics Letters, and Theory and Decision among others.
Con il sostegno della Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Padova e Rovigo