Ph.D. News
General Call for grants - PhD students XXXII ciclo - a.a. 2016/17 - Ranking of evaluation
Per visualizzare la graduatoria inserire la password ricevuta nella mail di conferma di presentazione della domanda per il Corso di Dottorato
Enter the password you received in the confirmation email when you submitted the application form in order to view the provisional rankings
In "Form" section it is now avaible the form for traveling
Election for Ph.D Students' representatives in the Ph.D Board
Monday, November 23rd 2015, from 11.00 to 13.00 at Sala Riunioni, ground floor, Palazzo Levi-Cases (via del Santo 33)
Secretariat (Padua PhD program)
tel. + 39 049 827 4284
e-mail: phd.economia@unipd.it