News archive

"Who supports liberal policies? A tale of two referendums in Italy"
In this paper, published in Economics Letters, Leonardo Madio (dSEA Unipd) and Francesco Principe (University of Bergamo) examine at the municipality level in Italy the factors that drive support for two referendums: one on the decriminalization of cannabis cultivation and the other on physician

27th September 2019: Inaugural Lecture of the Ph.D program in Economics and Management
Sala Carmeli via Galileo Galilei, Padova
Inaugural Lecture of the Ph.D program in Economics and Management27th September 2019Sala Carmeli via Galileo Galilei, Padova SUBSCRIBE HERE10.00–10.30 Welcome Coffee10.30-11.00 WELCOME SPEECHES11.00-12.15 INAUGURAL LECTURE - “Human Networks and their Economic Consequences”Chair: Prof. Salvador

Benvenuti al TrEC: Istruzioni per l’uso e Opening lecture
Padova, via Bonporti 22 - Sala Petrarca del Cinema MPX
In occasione dell’apertura dell’anno accademico, il Dipartimento di Scienze Economiche e Aziendali "Marco Fanno" ha il piacere di incontrare le matricole e dar loro il benvenuto al Corso di Laurea in Economia TrEC.L'appuntamento è previsto per martedì 24 settembre 2019, alle ore 9.30 a Padova

Current trends in EU Customs Law
Room 12, via Bassi 1 Padova
Within the course of “Advanced International Taxation Law” (Prof. Marcello Poggioli)7th June 2019 – Room 12 (14.30-16.30)SEMINAR SERIES in “CURRENT TRENDS IN INTERNATIONAL TAX LAW”Current trends in EU Customs LawCustoms revenues cover an important share of the EU budget and constitute the so-called