Stay updated on internship and job openings: PROFILE!
Do you want to receive notifications on internship and job offers published by the companies?
Profile yourself on the dSEA platform, in order to do it please follow the steps here:
- Access the Stage&Placement platform with the credentials that you use for your University email address
In the Personal Data section:
- Upload your CV (name_surname.pdf)
- Insert the informations related to the Health & Safety Course in the workplace
- Click on YES in the final part “I want to receive notifications on internship and/or job opportunities coherent with my profile indicated in the preferences page”.
In the section My profile:
- Fill in the different sections dedicated to: activities, provinces, sectors, functional areas, languages, digital competences (at least one value for each element). This way you will be able to express your preferences regarding the type of offers you prefer.
With reference to what you declared in your profiling, you will receive automatically an email every time a company publishes an internship/job offer in line with your interests on the dSEA portal.
You will then be able to candidate yourself through the dSEA portal.
How to profile? Watch the video
Department of Economics and Management "Marco Fanno"
Stage & Placement Service
Location: Via Ugo Bassi, 1 - 35131 Padua
Phone: + 39 049 827 1270 (Memo) - 1280 (Morè) - 1462 (Pegoraro)
Dean: prof. Diego Campagnolo and prof. Thomas Bassetti
Staff: Enrico Memo, Marianna Morè and Alice Pegoraro